Professional interviewer reflecting on common interview mistakes to avoid.

12 Common Interview Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Are you 100% prepared to make your dream job a reality? How sure are you that your preparation encompasses a plan to avoid all possible job interview mistakes? After all, at times, even professionals with years of experience find themselves stumbling over unexpected questions and pressure. To ensure you don’t end up in this situation, you should be prepared to avoid these common interview mistakes and prepare for your next job interview with confidence.

This blog provides a practical checklist to help you prepare for and avoid common and subtle interview mistakes. 

The Importance of First Impression

Your first impression will set the tone for the entire interview while being established in the first few seconds. Your demeanour, body language, and even the way you greet the interviewer are an extension of your perceived confidence and professionalism. Beyond a proper appearance, you need to be attentive, approachable, and show active interest. It is crucial to look the part and embody the qualities that make you fit for the role. 

Common Interview Mistakes to Avoid 

1. Over-explaining Answers

Interviewees often focus on preparing for answers in detail. However, it is easy to over-explain your answers, especially in an interview, as you might be nervous. Over-explaining can lead you astray from the relevant details and make you come across as lacking proper communication skills, which is critical in all roles.

To avoid this common job interview mistake, follow these tips:

Practise Mindfulness: Aim to summarise your thoughts in a structured manner without exceeding the time by a few minutes. You can use the STAR method to frame the answers.

S- Set the relevant context of the situation.

T- Explain the tasks or objectives required to tackle the situation.

A- Describe your contribution in fulfilling the tasks.

R- Explain the outcome, highlighting its impact on the company.

2. Not Tailoring Responses to the Job Role (Giving generic answers)

Preparing for an interview requires candidates to consider how they can be an asset to the employer. It is essential to remember that every business is different and hence requires different answers.

Avoid this mistake by preparing your answers in advance by using the following interview preparation tip:

Read the job description thoroughly. Identify the skills the particular employer requires by reading and analysing the job description. Include specific real-life examples to emphasise your skillset and its positive impact.

3. Ignoring the Power of Silence

It is natural to get uncomfortable in silence with a stranger. However, in an interview, silence is as powerful as your words. Being comfortable with silence ensures your answers are not rushed.

Here is a tip that can help you avoid this job interview mistake:

Take a Moment: It is alright to ask for a minute. Simply say, “That’s an interesting question; let me think about that for a moment.” However, be mindful about not taking too long of a pause.

4. Underestimating the Importance of Soft Skills

Knowing how to do the job is essential. However, a person does not work in isolation. It is important to highlight soft skills that make the process easier and enable you to adapt to the organisation’s culture.

Highlight your soft skills by following the interview tip:

Include Soft Skills Examples: Highlight how you have shown emotional intelligence and a positive attitude towards collaboration in the past with relevant examples.

5. Over-Emphasising Salary or Benefits

Along with growth, salary and benefits are often the driving factors when a professional seeks new opportunities. However, it is important not to overemphasise the benefits, as it may seem that you want the job only for compensation and that it doesn’t add any value to your professional career. This can make you appear shallow and unprofessional.

To avoid giving such an impression, use this interview tip:

Focus on Value First and Delay the Salary Discussion: Always convey how you add value to the company and establish that information well. Once the interviewer has a positive impression of you and is ready to move towards the next round of the hiring process, then negotiate the benefits. 

6. Being Overconfident

You need confidence to command your presence as a professional. However, the fine line between confidence and arrogance can be easily crossed. Convey your thoughts without being prideful and exaggerating.

To avoid coming across as boastful in your next interview, follow this job interview tip:

Be Inclusive: Acknowledge your team’s efforts in your success by including the support you received to deliver your past outcomes in a humble yet confident tone.

7. Neglecting Company Research

Interviewees often apply at various organisations to increase their chances of getting the best opportunity. However, it is essential to go beyond the job description to answer all the interview questions appropriately. Researching a company thoroughly can help you frame the right questions to ask in an interview to stand out as an informed and enthusiastic candidate.

Here’s one tip that can help you avoid this common interview mistake:

Use multiple social platforms: Visit the company’s website and social media handles across Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter, and read recent news articles to understand significant changes and achievements. This may look like too much effort, but it can help you prepare for your interview better. 

8. Not Adapting to the Interview Style

Not all interview rounds are the same. Some focus on technical aspects, some on personality. It is important to shift your attitude and tone accordingly to better align your answers.

Here’s a tip to help you not make this common interview mistake:

Observe the Interviewer’s Cue: Pay attention to the interviewer’s style and adapt the style. If they prefer concise dialogue, keep it short.

9. Not Preparing for the ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ Question

Many interviewees are often caught off guard by this question as it creates confusion on what to include and how long it should be.

Avoiding this mistake is easy if you follow this tip:

Craft Your Narrative: Prepare a brief 1-2 minute response including your professional background, key achievements, and motivation for the role. Including personal life details is not advised for all industries and should be only included if it can positively impact your interview.  

10. Over-Relying on Pre-Rehearsed Answers

Preparation for an interview is great. However, it is also essential to be adaptable and restructure your answers and strategy to seem more authentic.

To ensure you avoid this common interview mistake, practise this tip:

Actively Engage in Conversation: Focus on actively listening to the interviewer and asking questions rather than just answering to create a natural flow of conversation. 

11. Underestimating Virtual Interview Etiquette

Virtual interviews require just as much preparation as in-person ones. From proper outfit to technological set-up, there are various details you should consider and prepare for well in advance.

To have a smooth virtual interview, follow this job interview tip:

Choose An Appropriate Setting: A noisy setting can create unnecessary disturbances, distract you from the interview, and make the interviewer feel like the interview is not important to you. Ensure the lighting is good and an interviewer can see you throughout. 

12. Underestimating the Value of Post-Interview Interaction

A quick follow-up can elevate your impression and strengthen your chances of proceeding to the next round or getting the job.

Follow this tip to do a proper follow-up with the concerned person:

Send a Thank You Email: Within 24 hours, send a thank you email showing appreciation for the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the position to show you value the opportunity.

Turning Mistakes Into Positive Moments During the Interview

Making mistakes is a part of being human and extends even in interviews. However, the best way out is to acknowledge the mistake gracefully without looming over it, displaying qualities like emotional and mental maturity. Don’t get flustered; take a moment to correct yourself and pivot the conversation to your strong suit. This shows your adaptability in stressful environments.

From being underprepared to being overconfident, these common interview mistakes can often be committed subconsciously and have a detrimental impact on your success in the interview process. Being mindful, rehearsing, and maintaining professionalism can, among other actions, make a lasting positive impression. So, be prepared while sharpening your skills on the adaptability front to ensure a natural flow in your next interview. 

Are you ready to conquer your following interview? Don’t let small mistakes cost you your dream job. Visit Talent Higher for expert tips and personalised career guidance today! And while you’re at it, explore our blog on
9 Common Salary Negotiation Mistakes to Avoid to get closer to your career goals.

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